Tips for Healthy Diet for Above Forty


Healthy diet is very vital for men and women above forty. This is a stage when you don’t require high energy diet, but instead have a smaller amount fats, not much salty diet with more of darker colour fruits and vegetables, iron, calcium, plenty of fiber food for healthy diet. Forty above your body tends to get slow down and great many changes in your hormone. So your have to make special healthy diet chart for your self when you reach forty for healthy life.

Till forty when you are in prime health and active life, any thing can be digested and your body accepts. But once you reach forty you have the responsibility of family, job, and tend to lead a sedentary life style. You are prone to a host of diseases including heart, lungs, diabetics (pancreas), women reach menopause , your body metabolism slows down, your skin gets wrinkles,

You have hypertension, joint pains, constipation, memory loss, prostrate problems in men, men tend to lose interest in sex (erectile dysfunction or importance) and women reverse (enhance) their sex appetite. All these might experience when your reach forty, so to keep balance, you must have a Healthy diet. Healthy diet added with it good physical excises will help you have much enjoyable and healthy life.

Less fatty diet – healthy diet for above forty

Once you reach forty after menopauses most women have a natural tendency to become fat. Men have a tendency to get pot belly, so both men and women should consume smaller amount of fatty diet for healthy life. Hence one thumb rule to follow though: “Trim your general calorie and fat intake “for healthy living. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble so, lacking fat in your system you wouldn’t be capable to take up these essential vitamins.

Also, food would taste exceedingly ordinary, and your skin and hair would become parched and frail.

For healthy diet for above forty, intake of flaxseeds is a good idea

Flaxseeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B-complex and vitamin E, flaxseeds have properties of anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory those facilitate to take care of arthritis, heart disease and high blood pressure. Flaxseeds estrogenic properties assist them to treat brittle bones in post-menopausal women. Also men are able to get minimum fat, which is required for healthy skin, hair and over all healthy life.


Fibrous food for healthy diet for above forty

Above forty men and women face problem of constipation. So in order to have healthy life your diet should contain plenty of fibrous food. Intake of green salads with sufficient amount of cucumber, onions, radish, carrots, tomato, and you can add ripen papaya to make tasty and healthy diet.

If you take salads half an hour earlier to your lunch or dinner, helps you to take less amount of intake and helps you dieting too. Tomato’s prevents cancer.

Lowering cholesterol – healthy diet for above forty

Once you reach forty you have to take extra effort to reduce cholesterol in body. This will prevent heart problems. Take plenty of papaya, gooseberry along with garlic, methi to reduce cholesterol level and your blood dilutes, thus prevents you from heart aliments and for healthy life. We’ve heard about the Male Extra pill that greatly helps with cholesterol for some men. Although it is not totally confirmed so make sure that you consult with a doctor before taking it.

Judicious amount of alcohol intake for healthy diet for above forty
Intake of small and control amount of regular alcohol before dinner as medicine is very healthy idea. This will help you to have pain free and sound sleep, which will help you to have healthy stress free life and assist in energetic feeling through out the day. Drinking modest amounts of alcohol can shield you against heart diseases after forty.

Regular intake of a multivitamin and mineral supplement for healthy diet for above forty. It is a sensible idea to intake on regular basis multivitamin and mineral supplement for proper balance of body and health and well being.


Calcium intake for healthy diet for above forty

It is seen after forty both men and women’s bones gets soft and brittle. Calcium sustains bone health, and aids to check osteoporosis. Select rich calcium munchies such as curd, yogurt, calcium-fortified orange juice, canned sardines with bones, and almonds, low fat milk and milk products for healthy diet.

Blue berry for healthy diet for above forty

Make it a habit to have blue berry long with other food, blue berry has a special property of checking the ageing process. Blue berry is also an antioxidant.

Beans for healthy diet above forty

Beans are nutritional powerhouses. With 5 to 8 grams of fiber in a half cup of beans, they can help fight colon cancer and also fill you up so you don’t overdo it on calories. Try tossing some beans into your salad at lunch.

Vitamin C for healthy diet above forty

Vitamin C is very essential to give protection against cough cold, postponement of wrinkles therefore eat foodstuffs high in vitamin C. Drink lemonade or squeeze lemon on your sprout salad, besides eating oranges and amla or gooseberry, to have healthy and young looking skin healthy digestive system.

Vitamin D for healthy diet above forty

Make a habit of applying cord liver oil on the body and sit in early morning to have Vitamin D. An exposure of five minutes to the sun would give sufficient vitamin D for good bone health you can also have foodstuffs like fortified milk, egg yolks, and saltwater fish, liver and supplements, for vitamin D.

Magnesium and other minerals for healthy diet above forty

Magnesium is generally found in green vegetables, leafy vegetables, nuts, legumes, and you should focus for about 330 milligrams per day, for healthy and balanced diet.

Water therapy for healthy diet above forty

Water is only naturally available fluid which has properties for cleaning internal system and to keep healthy and trouble free life. So have sufficient amount of water every day, it not only keeps your body cool, clean and also assets in bowl movements. For healthy human have 6 to 8 liters of water every day.

Reduction in salts for healthy diet above forty

Once you reach forty both men and women should reduce intake of salts for healthy life. Salts are detrimental for hypertension and blood pressure. Start practicing not to have salts, but for palatability of food you can add low sodium content salts like Lona salt, which are readily available in markets.


Practice balance diet for healthy diet above forty

After forty your appetite reduces and you can’t have more food as previously. Practice of having tiny pints of food in number of times a day. Have fluids with low calories in between meals.

So to stay healthy and fit after forty one should maintain strict diet with more physical exercises. Eat lesser, more repeated meals rather than a few bulky ones. This will also help prevent (or diminish) morning sickness and heartburn.

Control sugar and salt to have healthy lie after forty. Staying fit and healthy above forty is very crucial since this is the most general stage for the happening of diverse health problems in your life. Be happy, healthy and stress free lives adhere to strict healthy diet after forty.

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